VI. Feature Setup
ExpiredUsing DrayTek IP Camera Management with ONVIF Camera & NVR Systems
IP Camera Management allows the switch to detect, configure and monitor health of any connected IP Cameras or NVR systems that are ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum) compatible.
The ONVIF Camera Management feature is available from firmware version 2.4.3 onwards.
This guide demonstrates how to use IP Camera Management on a DrayTek VigorSwitch with the following topics:
Initial Setup - Camera Discovery & Groups |
View Topology of connected Cameras |
Configure IP Camera & NVR Settings with Device Maintenance |
View Camera Video Feed |
Set up Mail Alerts |

Initial Setup - Camera Discovery & Groups
Log in to the web interface of the VigorSwitch. To start using the VigorSwitch's IP Camera Management feature, go to [ONVIF Surveillance] > [Topology].
Enable the Discovery option, set your camera's username & password and select which Interfaces or VLANs to discover cameras on.
Click "Apply" to save and apply those changes, which will allow the camera to start looking for cameras & NVR systems on the selected Discovery Interface.
The [ONVIF Surveillance] > [Topology]'s status will update with any detected cameras, showing their status.
Click on a camera's icon on the switch topology view to check or edit its settings, or select from the list at the bottom of the page.
In network configurations with Cameras that are set up across multiple VLANs, add new Groups to manage additional network segments.
To discover cameras on additional interfaces, Click Add New Group to add a new group for network video devices and specify the settings for that interface:
View Topology of connected Cameras
Once cameras have been detected, the topology of connected cameras will be shown on the [ONVIF Surveillance] > [Topology].
Mouseover a camera icon on the virtual switch to see the details for that camera. Click on an IP Camera or NVR's icon or select it from the list at the bottom of the page to modify basic settings for the camera / NVR.
To remove devices that are no longer present, scroll to the Device Information list at the bottom of the page. Click the red delete icon to remove any devices that are no longer present.
Configure IP Camera & NVR Settings with Device Maintenance
Once cameras have been detected, go to [ONVIF Surveillance] > [Device Maintenance].
Select a camera from the Device List to bring up its settings. This will initially need to collect information from the ONVIF camera / NVR to display it here.
Specify the correct Username and Password then click Login if the camera details don't load successfully.
Device Maintenance - General
From the General section of Device Maintenance, click the Reboot button to restart a camera, or reset it to factory default settings with the Factory Default - Apply button.
Editable settings such as the name, and Time settings are noted by the green wrench icon.
Device Maintenance - Network
On the network tab, the IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS settings can be configured. Zero Touch can also be enabled or disabled.
Make sure the Login information is correct for the camera and if changing these settings, click "Login" to have the switch update with the ONVIF device's current inforamtion.
Once the switch has loaded the camera's current details, make any changes and click Apply to save and apply those changes on the ONVIF device.
Device Maintenance - Security
On the Security tab, configure the HTTP, HTTPS web management and RTSP video ports that the ONVIF camera or NVR will use to operate.
Make any changes and click Apply to apply those settings onto the ONVIF device, the switch will then update its details to reconnect to the device.
View Camera Video Feed
To view camera video feed, go to [ONVIF Surveillance] > [Video] and select a camera from the Camera List.
Make sure that the Username and Password are correct, click "Login" if those details are changed. After a short delay, the camera's video feed will display on the switch.
If it's unable to load, make sure that the camera's online at the moment by checking the Topology section.
To view the stream directly, copy the URL listed and open it with a media player application such as VLC.
Set up Mail Alerts
Go to [Mail Alert] > [Alert Setting]
Configure the SMTP settings for a mail server that the VigorSwitch can send mail through.
Select “ONVIF Throughput Threshold” in the Alert Type dropdown to enable alerts for throughput over the set threshold. Select "Device Check" to be notified if a device stops responding that the switch is monitoring with its Diagnostics - Device Check functionality:
Set up Throughput Threshold Alert
Throughput Threshold help by monitoring the throughput of an ONVIF device's port. An alert email will be sent when the egress or ingress rate exceeds the threshold, which could indicate unexpected devices connected to the port or other network issues.
Go to [ONVIF Surveillance] > [Topology] > [Status]. Specify the allowed maximum Ingress Rate / Egress Rate of your ONVIF port, make sure the number is a multiple of 16:
You will get an email alert when the port reaches the throughput threshold:
Set up Camera Offline Alert with Snapshot
To set up a Mail Alert with snapshot showing the camera's last display, go to [ONVIF Surveillance] > [Device Maintenance] and select a camera from the list.
Once the camera's selected, scroll down to Device Check and enable it either pinging the camera's IP or multiple IP addresses.
Enable the Mail with Snapshot option and click Apply for the switch to begin checking the camera's state:
If a camera stops responding, the switch will send out an email alert with an image attached showing the camera's last output:
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