I. Product Setup Guides
ExpiredVigor 120 Setup with DrayTek routers
The Vigor 120 comes pre-set for most UK ADSL lines with VPI/VCI set to 0/38 and using the PPPoA protocol which is used by almost all UK ISPs.
Unless your ISP uses MPoA / EthoA, no setup of the Vigor 120 is required and it can be used as a modem with no further configuration of the modem. The Vigor 120 does not store any Internet usernames or passwords itself - those go into your router, or whatever you are connecting to the Vigor 120.
- Connect the RJ-11 port (marked 'ADSL') on the Vigor 120 to the ADSL line (normally via a microfilter/splitter).
- Connect the RJ-45 Ethernet port on the Vigor 120 to the WAN ethernet port of your router (or PC).
If you want to check diagnostics of the Vigor 120 (to check ADSL line status, for example), it does have a web interface on
From the web interface you can also change the ADSL line parameters, but only do that if you know that you require specific settings, different from the defaults.
There is no username or password to access the web interface and it is only accessible from the LAN interface (not remotely from the Internet).
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DrayTek Router PPPoE Setup
By default, all DrayTek routers will be accessible on the IP address of with a username of "admin" and a default password of "admin".
From the router's web interface select [WAN] > [General Setup], click the relevant link for the Ethernet WAN interface, this example shows a Vigor 2925 router which will use WAN1 for the connection but ADSL routers such as a Vigor 2830 would use the WAN2 Ethernet WAN interface:
In the [WAN] > [General Setup] > WAN page, make sure the interface is enabled and if it's being used as the main WAN connection then make sure to set the Active Mode to Always On. Tick the Load Balance option if it's present so that the WAN interface can be used for normal internet access:
(Note: On the Vigor 2820, it is necessary to set the Physical Mode setting for the WAN2 interface to Ethernet.)
Click OK to save those changes.
Go to [WAN] - [Internet Access] in the web interface and set the WAN interface to be used with the Vigor 120 and set the Access Mode to PPPoE mode:
Once that is set, click on the Details Page button to configure the PPPoE connection settings:
The Details Page will show the PPPoE configuration settings.
This is where the Username and Password details for the internet connection are entered. There is also a Fixed IP setting, set this to Yes if a static IP address needs to be used and enter that IP address. If no IP address has been allocated select No (Dynamic IP).
Ensure you select "Enable" using the radio button from the top left corner to enable the PPPoE connection type.
Leave the Service Name field blank if that option is present because that should not be set when using the Vigor 120 modem:
Click OK on that page to save the settings and the router will then prompt to restart, allow it to restart to properly apply the changes.
Once the router has restarted, log back into the web interface and select [Online Status] > [Physical connection], if it has connected, the relevant WAN Interface status text will be in green along with an IP address which indicates that the connection is active and ready for use.
Vigor 3900 / 2960 PPPoE Setup
To configure a WAN interface on the router to use PPPoE, go to [WAN] > [General Setup]. On that page, select the WAN interface that will be connected to the Vigor 120 modem, click on that WAN interface to select it so that it is highlighted in blue then click the Edit button to go into the settings for the WAN interface:
In the settings for the WAN interface, set the IPv4 Protocol to PPPoE, no other settings need to be configured on this page; the IPv4 Mode should be left on its default of NAT, the VLAN Tag should not need to be enabled and a Description can be set to describe the connection for future reference.
Once the IPv4 Protocol has been set to PPPoE, click on the PPPoE tab to go to the settings for that connection type.
On the PPPoE settings page, set the Username and Password as required for the connection. The MTU should be set to what the ISP recommends.
Leave the Service Name field blank because that should not be set when using the Vigor 120 modem.
Enable the Fixed IP option if your ISP has supplied a fixed IP address, this will open an additional field to enter that IP address.
Click Apply to apply the settings for the connection. Once that has completed, go to [Online Status] to view the status of the connection, which can take a minute to apply fully.
Vigor 3300 PPPoE Setup
To configure a PPPoE internet connection on the Vigor 3300 router, go to [Network] > [WAN].
On that page, click the Edit icon for the WAN interface that will be used, which will go into the settings page for that WAN interface:
In the WAN interface settings, set the mode to PPPoE by selecting the radio button. Set the Username and Password for the connection. Do not set the Service Name.
Set the Authentication to CHAP which is used by most ISPs. The Fixed IP address can also be specified on this page if required. Click Apply on this page to apply the changes to the WAN interface, at which point the router will need to restart.
The status of the WAN interface can be checked from [System] > [Status] under the WAN Status tab.
Configure the Vigor 120 for MPoA / EthoA
The Vigor 120 modem comes pre-configured for PPPoA, which is suitable for use with most ISPs. Some ISPs may use MPoA (Multi Protocol over ATM) / EthoA (Ethernet over ATM), which will require reconfiguring the Vigor 120 modem to pass through that connection type instead of its default:
- Connect the power adaptor to the Vigor 120 and turn it on.
- Connect an Ethernet cable directly from a PC to the Vigor 120.
- After a few moments, the PC should get an IP address (Most likely
- In your web browser, access the Vigor 120's web interface at
- Go to the Internet Access menu and then click on the MPoA tab.
- Check that the settings are correct (VPI 0 /VCI 101/1483 Bridged LLC)
- You must now click the 'Enable' button on the MPoA tab.
- Modulation settings:
- If you wish, you can also set the modulation mode manually (e.g. ADSL2+) but this is not necessary, it can make re-connection quicker.
- Do not select Annex M unless you definitely have that from your ISP.
- If you are unsure, leave the modulation at AUTO.
- Click OK and the Vigor 120 will save the settings and reboot.
- Connect the ADSL line cable to the Vigor 120.
- After a short while* your PC should then get a new IP address which will be the public IP address allocated by your ISP. If your ISP has allocated you with a fixed IP Address or a range of IP Addresses you should manually set this on the PC using the details they have provided for IP, Subnet Mask, G/W and DNS as the ISP will only allocate IP Addresses automatically to dynamic IP connections.
- You can now access the Internet normally
*This short while can vary considerably when swapping devices on your line as BeThere take a while to 'forget' about your current equipment and access a new MAC address. This has been observed as up to an hour, but can also be minutes.
Additional Setup for MPoA
Some ISPs using MPoA send 'rogue' (invalid) ARP messages to the modem. This will prevent data from flowing to the Internet; the router will show you as online, with an IP address. If this occurs, you will need to telnet to the router (not the modem) and issue the command ip arp accept 1. This is available on the Vigor29XX series routers.
Setting up Internet access via a Vigor120 modem is a straightforward process so hopefully everything should go smoothly. However, below are a few tips that cover some possibilities:
An important item to note is that for the PPPoE connection a "Service Name" should not be entered. If you have this field in the configuration of the router or computer that you're using then make sure that it is left empty.
Check to see if the ISP is using MPoA or PPPoA. The configuration on the Vigor120 modem differs depending on the ISP connection type. See the setup guide above for the configuration for MPoA lines.
If your Vigor 29xx series router establishes a connection while the Vigor120 is in MPoA bridge mode but it is not possible to access Internet then you will need to reconfigure the router to accept the arp requests originating from the Vigor120. Telnet in to the Vigor 2950, type the command "ip arp accept 1" and reboot the router.
- If the Vigor 120 modem is not providing a PPPoE internet connection, factory reset the modem using a pin or straightened out paperclip by pressing the Factory Reset button on the side of the unit until the ACT light flashes rapidly, which should take 5 seconds. The modem will restart with the factory default settings to provide a PPPoE internet connection.
- If there are any issues with connecting via the Vigor 120 modem and the router it's connected to has a Gigabit WAN port, try setting the WAN interface speed to 100Mbps Full Duplex. On routers such as the Vigor 2830, this is set from [WAN] > [General Setup], go into the settings for the individual WAN interface i.e. click WAN2, then change the Physical Type setting. On the Vigor 3900/2960, go to [WAN] > [Switch] and then the Interface tab to set the port speed.
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