
III. Wireless LAN


Central AP Management - Auto-provision

Vigor 2135ax
Vigor 2620Ln
Vigor 2762
Vigor 2763
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Access Point Management
Auto Configuration
Auto Provision
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The VigorAP’s factory default settings are designed with auto provisioning in mind.

The device is designed so that it can be plugged directly into a network and automatically gather the required information to create a basic network.

To this end the VigorAP has DHCP and auto provisioning enabled by default:


This means that the AP will automatically retrieve an IP address from the local DHCP server (typically the router).

If you wish to find out the IP address of the VigorAP then this can be achieved by going to the router’s [Diagnostics] > [ARP Cache Table]
or [Central AP Management] > [Status]


Auto Provisioning

The VigorAP can also pull a default wireless profile from the Vigor router by using its Access Point Management features. This section of the guide will describe how to go about this process.

The first thing that needs to be done is to configure the default WLAN profile from the APM menu:

This profile allows us to customize the default Wireless LAN profile which the VigorAP’s will pick up automatically.

By hitting the Edit button we can access the various configuration pages for this WLAN profile.

The first thing that should be done under the default profile is to enable the Auto Provision tick box. You can then configure the rest of the page to meet your needs:

The following few pages mirror the basic wireless settings which you can configure directly from the VigorAP’s GUI. They are included in a compact format but should basically allow you to fully configure the WLAN profile to match your deployment requirements:

For example, you can set the wireless encryption method, the pre-shared key used for accessing the network and the various other properties for the wireless network.

Nearer the top of the page you can select which SSID you wish to configure by using the appropriate tab.

Hitting the ‘next’ button will take you to the same configuration page but this will apply to the 5Ghz range.

Make the appropriate changes and then hit the ‘finish’ button.

Congratulations, you have configured the network for auto provisioning. When a new VigorAP is plugged into the network it should now automatically pick up an IP address and download the wireless profile direct from the router.

In this manner the VigorAP becomes a simple plug and play device, allowing for rapid deployment of large numbers of access points.

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