XV. VigorACS and VigorConnect
ExpiredHow to Add a DrayTek Access Point in to ACS-SI
How to Add a DrayTek Access Point to VigorACS
Vigor Access points which support TR-069 can be added to VigorACS to allow central management and reporting. The setup is quite similar to how a router would be configured but as access points are often behind NAT, the STUN setup is required. STUN allows VigorACS server to still communicate with the device even though it is behind NAT.
This article explains how to get an Access Point configured in a LAN to connect to Vigor VigorACS server for management purposes.
TR069 Setting on Access Point
After logging in to the Access Point, select this menu
[System Maintenance] -> [TR-069]
Then complete the VigorACS server details, example below. The Access Point can use HTTPS protocol for a more secure connection to VigorACS. Ensure the STUN setting is enabled and the STUN server IP address is entered. (STUN IP is the IP address of the VigorACS server). On the Vigor VigorACS Server, ensure that inbound traffic to port 3478 is permitted. If there is a firewall in front of the VigorACS Server then the firewall would need to allow port 3478 through.
In this example, the VigorACS server's IP address is
URL: https://<IP ADDRESSS>/ACSServer/services/ACSServlet
The Username and Password should be set to match the credentials which were set in VigorACS for the network the Access Point is being placed into.