Multi CPE Config Backup & Scheduled Backup
Multi CPE Config Backup & Scheduled Backup
To create configuration backups for multiple CPEs at once, go to [System Menu] > [Scheduled Backup], which manages the VigorACS system's scheduled tasks to back up configuration files from CPEs.
The Networks & Devices tab specifies the backup profile that is applied to the available Networks and their CPEs.
If the Profile ID field is blank for a CPE or Network, the VigorACS system will not automatically back up configuration files for those CPEs & Networks.
Networks and CPEs inherit backup Profile ID settings from their parent object - If a Network has a scheduled backup profile specified, all CPEs and Networks that are a member of that parent Network will be backed up with the parent Network's specified schedule profile.
The frequency of backups and how many backups are stored (per device), is configured in the Backup Settings Profile tab.
The Default profile option takes a configuration backup from the CPE every day and will store the 20 most recent configuration files for each CPE.
Custom profiles can be created by clicking "+ Add", to make additional profiles with different frequencies and different configuration file retention policies:

Creating a Backup Settings Profile
- Give the profile a suitable Name
- The Keep Files setting controls how VigorACS stores configuration backups; if set to "All", it will store all configuration files without clearing old files. If "The Last 20" is selected, the VigorACS system will keep 20 of the most recent configuration files for each CPE and delete older configuration files from the VigorACS file system.
- Enter the Backup Period(days) as the number of days to wait between each scheduled configuration backup.
- The Time Interval specifies the time window in which the task can be performed, such as midnight (00:00) until 8am.
- A start date can be specified if required with the Specify Start Date option.
Click Save to create the new Backup Settings Profile.

In the Networks & Devices tab, select the Profile ID for the Networks and CPEs that the VigorACS system will perform configuration backups for.
In the example below:
- The parent "AC2 Net" Network is set to perform a monthly backup, which applies to all of its child CPEs and Networks.
- The "VigorAP Net" Network over-rides this and performs a configuration backup for each of its member CPEs weekly.
- The "2860n+_001DAAB7" CPE (router) performs a daily configuration backup instead of the parent "ACS2 Net" Network's monthly backup.