XV. VigorACS and VigorConnect
ExpiredUpgrade VigorACS 2 to VigorACS 3 on Linux Platform
Upgrading from VigorACS 2 to VigorACS 3 is possible with an update to the VigorACS database which migrates all existing data across. Then the VigorACS license for the server can be converted from ACS 2 to VigorACS 3 in the DrayTek MyVigor system.
This guide demonstrates how to achieve that for VigorACS servers installed on Linux. If your installation is on a Windows server, there are separate instructions available for that platform here.
This procedure assumes access to Root Privileges on the Linux server. In the guide it's assumed that they are accessible via the "sudo" command. If 'sudo' is not installed on the system then alternatively use the eleveation process for your distribution such as su to use a user which has the neccesary permissions.
Upgrading an existing VigorACS installation requires the MySQL Root Password, ensure that the password is available and correct before proceeding.

Important Notes for VigorACS 2 to VigorACS 3 Upgrade
- Check the CPE compatibility list and client/server hardware requirements here.
- Once VigorACS 3 is installed, downgrading back to VigorACS 2 is not possible.
- VigorACS 3 supports 64-bit platforms only.
- VigorACS 3 requires MariaDB 10 and later. If your MariaDB version isn’t up to date, please backup the database and upgrade MariaDB during the VigorACS 3 installation.
Step 1 - Backup The Current VigorACS Installation
If any problems occur during the installation or if there is an issue with the later version of VigorACS, taking a backup can be essential for restoring VigorACS.
If using a Virtual Machine, an alternative could be to take a Snapshot of the current virtual machine status, which can be reinstated if the upgrade fails.
Step 1.1 - Backup VigorACS SQL data
VigorACS includes a script that will take a snapshot of the current VigorACS database contents and store them in a compressed file. It requires the "backupconfig.txt" configuration file to be configured with the MySQL db root password to operate. The password is cleared when VigorACS is updated.
Go to the backup script's directory:$ cd /usr/local/vigoracs/VigorACS/bin/acs_util/dbutil/BackupRestoreScript/Linux/
Edit the config file to include the DB root password - this file is reset during the upgrade procedure. Move the cursor around with the arrow keys and press Ctrl+X to save & exit:$ sudo nano backupconfig.txt
Run the backup script:$ sudo ./automysqlbackup.sh
To check that the backup has completed successfully, check the directory that the backup has saved to.
This should contain an .sql.gz file created at the current time:$ sudo ls -lah /root/temp/mysqlbackups/now/tr069
Step 1.2 - Backup existing VigorACS installation (Optional)
Backing up the existing installation with all of its current directory contents, allows it to be restored quickly if required.
Check the VigorACS directory size: $ du -sh /usr/local/vigoracs/VigorACS
Create a copy of the current VigorACS installation to the home directory. Replace "2xx" with the currently installed version of VigorACS, i.e. "VigorACS_253_Backup":$ sudo cp -rp /usr/local/vigoracs/VigorACS ~/VigorACS_2xx_Backup
Step 1.3 - Backup Files Repository data
Backup the Files Repository data, which contains Config Backups, Firmware files and other files used by VigorACS. Replace "xxx" with your ACS version i.e. "EMS_253": $ sudo cp -rp /srv/EMS /srv/EMS_xxx
Step 2 - Download VigorACS Installation File
Create a new directory to store the VigorACS installation files in. For example, VigorACS 3.0.5 can go into "acs305" of the user account's home directory. Navigate into the directory, download the VigorACS 3 installer package and extract the contents into the current directory.
Create a new directory in user account's Home directory:
/$ cd
~$ mkdir acs305
Navigate into the installer files directory and download VigorACS installer package from the file location provided by your VigorACS support agent:
~$ cd acs305
~/acs305$ wget https://www.draytek.co.uk/downloads/vigoracs.tar.bz2
Extract the VigorACS installation file into the current directory:
$ tar -jxv -f VigorACS_Unix_Like_xxxxxx_xxxxx.tar.bz2
$ bzip2 -cd VigorACS_Unix_Like_xxxxxx_xxxxx.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
Step 3 - Set Install Script Permissions
Change the privileges of install.sh and uninstall.sh scripts to make them executable with these two commands:
$ chmod 755 ./install.sh
$ chmod 755 ./uninstall.sh
Then list the directory contents using the "ls -l" command, executable files are displayed in green:
$ ls -l
Step 4 - Shutdown VigorACS Service
Go to the path "/usr/local/vigoracs/VigorACS/bin" and execute the script "vigoracs.sh":
$ cd /usr/local/vigoracs/VigorACS/bin
/usr/local/vigoracs/VigorACS/bin$ sudo ./vigoracs.sh
Select the option to "Shutdown VigorACS". Once the service has finished shutting down, select the option to exit the script.
Step 5 - Run Installer Script
Navigate back to the directory that the new VigorACS installation files were extracted into. Start the VigorACS installation script:
$ cd ~/acs305
~/acs305$ sudo ./install.sh
The installation program will prompt to install some dependencies required by VigorACS.
If your VigorACS server installation is working without issue and users are able to login, enter "n", otherwise, it may be helpful to install these dependencies.
Step 6 - Install / Update InfluxDB
- If upgrading from VigorACS before 2.4.0: Install InfluxDB to allow VigorACS to record graph data & statistics information. Select option "3" to install then follow the instructions to convert data into the format required for InfluxDB
- If upgrading from VigorACS after 2.4.0: You can check whether an update is required by selecting the option.
Step 7 - Upgrade Java
Select option "4". This will display the current version of Java installed and the version available from the installer.
Select "y" to upgrade Java if the installer has a newer version.
Step 8 - Upgrade VigorACS
Select option "6" to begin the VigorACS upgrade. Select the options for your VigorACS & MySQL configuration and enter the MySQL DB root password when prompted:
Test the password. If the password is incorrect, press Ctrl+C to end the installation script immediately. Verify the password and retry the install script.
Once the VigorACS installer has successfully accessed the database, it will proceed with the upgrade.
After installing files, the installer will prompt to change the jBoss configuration, which controls the TLS ciphers that VigorACS will allow to connect to the server. The selection depends on router support - only select "standalone-compatible.xml" if there are older CPEs connecting to the VigorACS server that do not support TLS 1.2.
Otherwise, select the recommended "standalone.xml" (recommended) setting to allow only TLS 1.2 and later.
There can be a delay when the script displays "Start to upgrade tr069 db...".
Wait for this to complete, the installer will then display "Upgrade tr069 table Successfully..." and finish the installation.
Exit the installer script once the upgrade has completed successfully.
Step 9 - Start VigorACS Service
Go to the path "/usr/local/vigoracs/VigorACS/bin" and execute the script "vigoracs.sh":
$ cd /usr/local/vigoracs/VigorACS/bin
/usr/local/vigoracs/VigorACS/bin$ sudo ./vigoracs.sh
Select the option to "Start VigorACS". Once the service has finished starting up, select the option to exit the script.
Once the VigorACS services are showing "VigorACS process id" values, exit the vigoracs.sh script.
Step 10 - Update MyVigor License Information
Now that VigorACS is running, the license needs to be upgraded from VigorACS 2 to VigorACS 3 before users can log in and use the server.
Access the VigorACS server from its IP / domain name / URL, then log in to VigorACS with the root account.
Once you click Login, VigorACS will display a license error, because the license is not currently valid for VigorACS 3. Upgrading the license just requires a few more steps, click Activate to continue. This will then proceed to the MyVigor system.
On the MyVigor login page, login with the MyVigor account credentials that the VigorACS server was registered with:
Once you have successfully logged in, the Product Registration screen will display the VigorACS 3 server's details. Enter a Device Name and click Submit.
This will then display the Service Status for the server, with its license period and license timeline. Click the Upgrade ACS2 to ACS3 button to upgrade the license:
Select the VigorACS 2 server that you want to upgrade and click Continue:
Confirm that the server details are correct, then click Upgrade to ACS 3:
When the upgrade has completed in the MyVigor system, it will display "Upgrade Success". Click Activate Now to activate the license on your server:
Once completed, the new license information will be shown on screen. Click Login to ACS to log in to your server:
With the license updated, all users should now be able to log into the server. Check that your Networks, Groups and Users are all present as they were before the upgrade, then you can enjoy using VigorACS 3.
How to check if the VigorACS services have started successfully?
To troubleshoot the VigorACS 3 service, if it isn't able to start correctly or has another issue, check the server log, which can be found with this command:
tail -f /usr/local/vigoracs/VigorACS/standalone/log/server.log
If you cannot see the start message in this log file, please provide the log and all of the VigorACS install information to DrayTek UK technical support: Contact Support
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