XV. VigorACS and VigorConnect
ExpiredVigorACS 2 - Upgrading from VigorACS-SI to VigorACS 2 (Windows)
Upgrade a Windows VigorACS-SI installation to VigorACS 2
This article is for existing users of VigorACS 1 who would like to upgrade to VigorACS 2. The databases from ACS1 are compatible with VigorACS 2 and therefore you can upgrade to VigorACS 2 directly from VigorACS 1. Data from VigorACS 1 can be migrated to the Vigor ACS 2 platform, with user accounts, networks and CPE information retained after the upgrade.
If you still have an unexpired license term on your VigorACS 1 subscription, the remaining license period will be automatically transferred on the MyVigor system to your VigorACS 2 server.
Please Note:
- Once VigorACS 1 is upgraded to VigorACS 2 on a machine, you cannot downgrade to VigorACS 1.
- Any VigorACS 1 Licence keys must first be applied & activated on VigorACS before upgrading to VigorACS 2
- VigorACS 2 can only run on a 64bit OS platform. Please ensure your OS is 64bit.
This article demonstrates how to upgrade VigorACS-SI (VigorACS 1) to VigorACS 2 on a Microsoft Windows operating system.
Backup VigorACS-SI Database
Before carrying out the upgrade procedure below, please ensure you take a backup of VigorACS 1.
Follow this guide to backup VigorACS 1: https://www.draytek.co.uk/support/guides/kb-acssi-backup
Shutdown and remove VigorACS SI & Java JDK
- Shut-down your VigorACS SI services using the "Stop VigorACS" icon
- Go to the Windows Control Panel, select Uninstall a program / Programs and Features control panel
- Uninstall Java SE Development Kit
- Uninstall the VigorACS-SI software (Please do not remove mariaDB if you want to keep the existing Vigor ACS-SI database information)
Install Java (OpenJDK)
Extract the installation package and install OpenJDK first (Path in ACS installer files directory: \ACS\Software), click Next and go through the installation process:
Install VigorACS 2
1. Install VigorACS 2 (Path in ACS installer files directory: \ACS\ACS):
2. Enter the path of the existing MariaDB / MySQL installation folder:
3. Select "Upgrade Database" as the Database Install Type to keep the existing VigorACS database contents:
4. Enter the "root" password for your existing VigorACS MariaDB / MySQL database and confirm the password to continue:
5. Select the VigorACS 2 HTTP and HTTPS ports, these values do not need to match the HTTP and HTTPS ports used by the previous VigorACS-SI installation:
6. Upon completing the installation, VigorACS 2 will display a console window to show that its Windows Service has started successfully.
Access VigorACS 2 and activate the license
1. To access VigorACS 2, launch a browser and type the IP or the domain name of the PC with the port number on the URL, then you'll see VigorACS 2 logon page.
(If you are using the PC that has VigorACS 2 installed, you may just enter "localhost" with the port number.)
The VigorACS 2 server is using the database of your VigorACS 1 installation, VigorACS user accounts and passwords will remain the same; log in with the "root" account to proceed:
2. Once you attempt to login VigorACS 2, you'll see the license warning message. Press the Activate button, the browser will then redirect to MyVigor login page.
Log in to the MyVigor account that the VigorACS SI server is licensed with:
3. MyVigor will detect and convert your license from VigorACS 1 to VigorACS 2 automatically, you only need to press the "ON" button to activate the license again.
4. Finally, you can logon and view VigorACS 2!
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