
XV. VigorACS and VigorConnect


How to change the VigorACS server port

Vigor ACS

How to change VigorACS server Port Setting

This article explains how to change the operational port for the Centralised Management Platform VigorACS. The default ports for Vigor ACS is 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS. The ports can be changed during installation, or changed after VigorACS is installed.


These instructions explain how to change the port on a Windows installation

Change HTTP Port

  1. Open a command prompt with administrator rights (cmd)
  2. Browse to C:\Program Files\VigorACS SI\bin or C:\Program Files (x86)\VigorACS SI\bin
  3. run changehttpport.bat
  4. Enter the new port number

  5. Press OK and the VigorACS Service will be stopped and then restarted using the new port number

Change HTTPS Port

  1. Open a command prompt with administrator rights (cmd)
  2. Browse to C:\Program Files\VigorACS SI\bin or C:\Program Files (x86)\VigorACS SI\bin
  3. run changehttpsport.bat
  4. Enter the new port number
  5. Press OK and the VigorACS Service will be stopped and then restarted using the new port number

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