


Enabling the Ethernet WAN Port on DrayTek Vigor SoHo routers

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DrayTek's SoHo routers have a switchable LAN 4 interface that can operate as LAN or WAN port.In its default state, the LAN 4 interface operates as a standard LAN port and the WAN 2 (Ethernet WAN) option can be selected in the router’s web interface.

This article demostrates how to enable Ethernet WAN 2 interface on Vigor 2762, Vigor 2765 and Vigor 2766 series routers. Port 4 can be seen here, next to the USB ports:

2762 Backpanel port4

The Ethernet WAN2 port can also be enabled on the Vigor 2620Ln by following the same steps, however the Ethernet WAN2 port will be LAN port P2.

To enable the router's Ethernet WAN port on LAN 4 instead of LAN mode:

1. Go to [WAN] > [General Setup] and click WAN2

2762 WAN GeneralSetup

2. In its default state, the Enable option is set to No, which allows the LAN 4 port to be used as a standard LAN port.

2762 WAN GeneralSetupWan2

3. Set the Enable option for WAN2 to Yes, this enables the other options on this page. Set the Active Mode to Always Onto make the Ethernet port the active Internet connection.

2762 WAN GeneralSetupFilledOut

4. Click OK to apply the change and the router will prompt to restart. Click Ok to restart the router.

2762 RebootSystem

Once the router has restarted, the WAN2–Ethernet WAN interface has been enabled and can now be configured on the router.

Reconfigure the LAN 4 port for LAN use

To reconfigure the LAN 4 port for LAN use, go to [WAN] > [General Setup] > [WAN2] and set the Enable option to No.

Once the router has been restarted to apply the change, the port will operate in LAN mode

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