


Native IPv6 Internet Connection Setup - PPP Mode

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Some Internet Service Providers now offer Native IPv6 Internet connectivity in addition to IPv4 connectivity, which when supported by an IPv6 capable router, will allow access to the IPv6 Internet in addition to the existing IPv4 Internet.

More information on IPv6 is available here

The DrayTek Vigor routers with firmware versions 3.6.x and later support IPv4 & IPv6 Dual Stack operation, which allows IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity on the same physical network without requiring the use of an IPv6 Tunneling service on the clients or router.

This guide demonstrates how to configure the router for IPv6 Internet access via PPP Mode, which is often used with ISPs that use PPPoE or PPPoA for IPv4 Internet connectivity.

The IPv6 functionality on the router is enabled by default, which is controlled using the button at the top of the router's Web Interface menu. If this is disabled, the IPv6 logo will show in grey and the IPv6 options for the LAN and WAN interfaces will not appear.

Click on the logo to enable or disable the functionality, which requires the router to reboot to apply the change.

The router will not allow incoming IPv6 routed traffic from the Internet by default, this can be controlled in the [Firewall] > [General Setup] menu. Filters rules can also be configured to specifically allow incoming IPv6 connections.

IPv6 PPP Internet Connection Configuration

To configure the Internet connection to use IPv6, go to [WAN] > [Internet Access]:

  1. Specify the connection type of the WAN interface, this example will use PPPoE / PPPoA
  2. Click on the Details Page button

This will go into the settings for the PPPoE/PPPoA interface; configure that with the Username and Password from the ISP and specify the Modem Settings if needed:

With the IPv4 settings configured, click on the IPv6 tab to configure the IPv6 connection settings:

In the IPv6 tab, specify the Connection Type from the drop-down list. This example will use PPP as the mode:

With the mode specified, the IPv6 tab will display additional options. The PPP settings link to the IPv4 PPPoE / PPPoA configuration so do not need to be configured.

There is an option to specify the WAN Connection Detection mode, which can be left as "Always On" because the state of connectivity is determined by the PPP connection once the IPv6 connection has established.

This can be set to "Ping Detect", which when selected requires an IPv6 IP address to ping and the router will determine IPv6 connectivity based on a response from that IP address.

Click OK to apply the settings:

The router will then prompt to restart. Click OK to reboot the router and it will apply the changes:

Once the router has restarted, check the [Online Status] > [Physical Connection] page to view the status of the router's Internet connection.

The IPv4 tab will show the state of the router's DSL Information and WAN Status; the text for these will show in Green when there is a successful connection and Red when it is disconnected or establishing a connection.

When the IPv4 connection is online, check the IPv6 tab to see the status of that connection:

If the connection is successful, the WAN IPv6 Status will display an IPv6 IP address and the router's IPv6 LAN address will change to reflect that:

Testing the IPv6 Internet Connection

The state of IPv6 connectivity can then be tested using an IPv6 test website or by using the Windows Command Prompt on a PC that has IPv6 enabled on it.

To check the IPv6 address on a PC, go to the Windows Command Prompt:

  1. Click the Start button
  2. Type "cmd" and press Enter
  3. In the Windows Command Prompt, type "ipconfig" and press Enter

This will display the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on the PC; if the IPv6 address of the PC is in the same subnet as the WAN IPv6 subnet, there is a working IPv6 connection:

To test this, try pinging sites that are known to have IPv6 addresses available, such as "www.google.com" by typing "ping www.google.com" at the Windows Command Prompt. Please note this does require your DNS server to also support IPv6 but this should be handled by the router automatically:

If the ping is successful, the PC will have access to the IPv6 Internet Connection.

LAN IPv6 & DNS Configuration

The IPv6 IP address used by the router links from the ISP IPv6 network to the router's local IPv6 network. To change the LAN IPv6 configuration so that it links to a different LAN or to change the DNS servers that the IPv6 LAN assigns, go to [LAN] > [General Setup] and click on the IPv6 button for the LAN interface:

In the LAN IPv6 Setup, the WAN interface that the IPv6 LAN links to can be changed, the DHCPv6 server can be enabled or disabled (and is enabled by default) and the DNSv6 Server IP Addresses can be assigned manually if required.

Google's DNS servers are 2001:4860:4860::8888 (equivalent to the Google IPv4 DNS server and 2001:4860:4860::8844 (equivalent to

Tick "Other Option(O-bit)", which allows the router to assign DNS addresses for IPv6 through DHCPv6.

In this example, the IPv6 subnet is assigned automatically to the router's IPv6 Address Table by the PPP connection so does not need to be entered. Additional IPv6 subnets can be assigned to the router in the Static IPv6 Address section.

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