I. Product Setup Guides
ExpiredMesh Wireless - Initial Setup - DrayTek Wireless App
Initial Mesh Setup using the DrayTek Wireless app
Use the DrayTek Wireless app's Quick Start Wizard to set up a Mesh wireless network. This connects to and configures a new VigorAP 903 connected up to your existing network or Internet router.
The Quick Start Wizard sets up that access point as the Mesh Root and configures your wireless network and security settings for both 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless. It will then search for Mesh Nodes to connect into the Mesh to create a full Mesh wireless network. Each VigorAP connects wirelessly to the Mesh Root, or through another Mesh Node if it's further away.
Once set up, the VigorAP access points will automatically determine the best way to connect up to ensure low latency and high speed connectivity within the range of any part of the Mesh wireless network.
This guide demonstrates how to use the Apple iOS version of the app, the Android version has the same functionality and behaviour.
Get the DrayTek Wireless app

The DrayTek Wireless app is designed to assist with the initial setup and management of DrayTek VigorAP access points. The application is free and without ads.
Download the DrayTek Wireless app from the Apple App store or Google Play stores.
On Apple's iOS (iPad, iPhone), it may request access to the Camera, which the Quick Start Wizard can use to scan a VigorAP's information to connect to it.
On Google's Android, the app may request access to the Camera, which the Quick Start Wizard can use to scan a VigorAP's information to connect to it. To connect to your VigorAP's wireless network, it will also request permission to Location information, which is required for an app to control the active wireless connection.
Mesh Wireless Basics
A DrayTek Mesh wireless network groups 2 to 8 VigorAP access points (per Mesh Group), into a single cohesive wireless network spanning the whole coverage area of all of the access points. Each VigorAP access point in the Mesh communicates wirelessly by linking one VigorAP to the next. Each wireless link between APs is called a 'Hop', with the Mesh allowing for up to 3 'Hops' if the network covers a large area or distance. Typical Mesh networks will have only one or two hops.
The DrayTek VigorAP 903 and other Mesh capable VigorAP access points have three modes of operation in a Mesh network:
Mesh Root | Mesh Node | Mesh Node via Ethernet |
There is one root in a mesh network and it controls the other VigorAPs. The root is connected to the Internet router with a network cable. This controls the other VigorAPs in the Mesh Network and provides Internet connectivity. The Mesh Root VigorAP is configured through the Web interface, or with the DrayTek Wireless app to operate as a Mesh Root, which can then add in any Mesh Nodes. |
A Mesh Node connects to the Mesh Root or another nearby Mesh Node wirelessly. VigorAPs set up as Mesh Nodes do not need to be configured, they're managed by the Mesh Root once they've been 'adopted' into the Mesh network. The mesh nodes status and other information can be viewed via the DrayTek Wireless App or the Mesh Roots Web Interface. |
A Mesh node which is connected to Ethernet and allows Wireless Clients or Other Mesh nodes to connect to it. The Nodes communicates with the Mesh Root via Ethernet. Nearby Mesh Nodes can connect to an Ethernet Mesh Node instead of another Wireless Node to reduce the 'hops' between Nodes. |
When a new VigorAP is added into the Mesh network by the 'Mesh Root' as a new 'Mesh Node', it determines the best VigorAP to link up to, with no manual setup needed. Just power it up in the location it needs to cover and it will check for the best link it can achieve. This then links up to the Mesh network and begins providing wireless connectivity to clients.
The Mesh Root keeps track of the overall Mesh status, with a topology showing link status and signal strength. If one of the Mesh Nodes goes offline, any Mesh Nodes that were connected to it will connect up to the next best signal to continue providing wireless connectivity to clients.
Initial Connections
Step 1 - Connect up the Mesh Root VigorAP
To begin setting up a DrayTek Mesh wireless network, connect one VigorAP up to the wired network and power it up using the supplied AC/DC power adapter, or Power over Ethernet. This will be the Mesh Root AP.
A VigorAP that's connected up to both a network and power initially will set itself up in "Access Point" mode, it can then be set as the Mesh Root and add in any Mesh Nodes.

Step 2 - Connect Power to any Mesh Nodes
Connect up the power adapters to any VigorAPs that will be used as Mesh Nodes, so that they're ready to be 'adopted' by the Mesh Root AP during the setup process. For the initial setup, set up the Mesh Node VigorAPs close to the Mesh Root AP to ensure that they're discovered.
Mesh Nodes automatically detect whether to operate in Access Point mode or Mesh Node mode. To set up a VigorAP as a Mesh Node, just connect it up to the power supply and do not connect it up to the network. Mesh Nodes don't need to be configured manually, they are set up by the Mesh Root VigorAP once they're 'adopted' into the Mesh network.
If one of the Mesh Nodes has been set up as an Access Point, or was powered up with an Ethernet cable connected, hold in the Factory Reset button on that Mesh Node until the ACT light flashes rapidly. Disconnect any network cables and it will start up as a Mesh Node, ready to be adopted into the Mesh network.

Setting up the Mesh Root VigorAP
The VigorAP connected up to the network will be configured as the Mesh Root. When it's set up as the Mesh Root, it can scan for Mesh Nodes to join the Mesh. Additional new Mesh Nodes can be added when needed to improve network coverage and increase wireless network capacity.
The Quick Start Wizard is a convenient way to perform the initial set up of the access point to create a Mesh network. Set up the wireless network name (SSID) and security that the Mesh wireless network will use, along with the administration password that will be used for all VigorAPs in the Mesh.
Open the DrayTek Wireless app and tap Quick Start Wizard to continue.

Step 1 - Configure Connection to VigorAP
The DrayTek Wireless app needs to connect to the VigorAP's wireless network to configure it. Each DrayTek VigorAP set up out of the box has a default wireless network with a password located on the access point's label.

If your VigorAP has a QR code, tap Scan QR Code to use your phone / tablet's camera to scan the QR code, which will enter the wireless network details.
With the SSID & Password entered for the VigorAP that will be configured, tap Connect.
The default SSID of each VigorAP is:
2.4GHz Radio | 5GHz Radio |
DrayTek-xxxxxx | DrayTek-xxxxxx |
where the xxxxxx are the last 6 characters of the MAC address, e.g. DrayTek-ABC123.

Step 2 - Connect to the VigorAP
The DrayTek Wireless app will connect to the VigorAP so that it can be set up.
Tap Join when prompted so that the app can connect to the VigorAP's wireless network.
When this has connected successfully and your device has an "Assigned IP", tap Next to proceed.

Step 3 - Select VigorAP Operation Mode
Set the Operation Mode to Mesh Root. A name can be specified for the Mesh, this can be left on its default setting, but it can be useful to differentiate Mesh groups if setting up more than one Mesh on the same network.
Tap Next to proceed.

Step 4 - Configure Wireless Settings
Set the wireless network name (SSID) that the Mesh network will use and set the Password, which will be used to secure access to the mesh wireless network.
This applies to both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands.
You can also set the SSID & password for a secondary wireless network, to use as a guest wireless network.
Once the wireless network SSID and Password are configured, tap Next to proceed.

Step 5 - Set Administration Password
On the Admin Password screen, set a secure password that will be used to administrate all VigorAPs in the Mesh.
Tap Next to proceed.

Step 6 - Confirm Settings to Apply
The VigorAP will display a summary of the setting changes that will be applied.
Tap Finish and the VigorAP will begin applying the new configuration.
To apply the new configuration, the VigorAP will change its wireless SSID & Password settings to the new ones that have been configured, which will temporarily disconnect the wireless connection.

Step 7 - Connect to new Wireless Network
Wait until the app prompts to connect to the new wireless network that was just configured, then tap Join to connect to the new wireless network.

Step 8 - Scan for Mesh Nodes
The Quick Start Wizard will then search for Mesh Nodes that can be added into the Mesh network.
Tap Next to proceed.

Step 9 - Wait for Mesh Node Scan
Wait for the Mesh Root VigorAP to finish scanning for new Mesh Nodes.

Step 10 - Select Mesh Nodes to Add
If the VigorAPs you expect to see are not shown, check that the Mesh Node VigorAPs are powered up and within the wireless range of the Mesh Root VigorAP.
For the initial setup, it's okay to set everything up in the same room, then move the Mesh Node VigorAPs out to their intended locations after the initial setup.
Tap Search to begin the search again.
To add a VigorAP into the Mesh, tap the tickbox for that VigorAP to select it.
Specify the name that will be used to identify the VigorAP by tapping the textbox for that VigorAP.
When ready, click Next to proceed.

Step 11 - Adopt Mesh Nodes
Confirm the Mesh Node Setup details and tap Apply.
The Mesh Root will begin setting up the Mesh and the selected Mesh Nodes.This process can take 2-3 minutes.

Step 12 - Wait for the changes to apply
The process of new Mesh Nodes being 'adopted' in the Mesh Group takes a few minutes.
Wait for the new configuration to be applied to the Mesh Nodes.

Step 13 - Finishing the Quick Start Wizard
Once the Mesh Node Setup has completed, the app will display a summary of Mesh Nodes that have and haven't connected.
Don't worry if one of the Mesh Nodes shows up as 'Offline', it can take a couple of minutes for a newly set up Node to determine the best path to take, if more than one Mesh Node has been added into the Mesh Group.
The Mesh network is now ready for use.
The status of the Mesh can be checked from the app's main menu. Tap Finish to proceed to the DrayTek Wireless app's main menu.

Step 14 - Using the DrayTek Wireless app
The Dashboard of the DrayTek Wireless app displays the current status of the Mesh network, similar to the Dashboard in the web interface of a DrayTek Vigor router or AP.
There's a summary of the VigorAPs currently active in the Mesh and the number of wireless clients connected.
Tap Devices to view the Mesh AP status for all VigorAPs in the Mesh Group.

Step 15 - Devices
The Devices section of the DrayTek Wireless app displays:
- A topology of the Mesh network
- Connections between VigorAPs connected in to the Mesh network
- Signal strength for each VigorAP in the Mesh
- Clients connected to each VigorAP
Tap the Back button to go back to the Dashboard.

Step 16 - Setup Menu
The Setup menu of the Wireless app allows you to re-configure the VigorAPs in the Mesh group through the app.
Configure the TR-069 settings of the VigorAPs to connect them to VigorACS for management & monitoring.
Change the administration password for the VigorAPs.
Configure the SSID and wireless password for the 2.4GHz and 5GHz radios.

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