XV. VigorACS and VigorConnect
ExpiredVigorACS 3 - Installation Guide for Windows
This guide demonstrates how to install VigorACS 3 for Windows.
This requires a 64-bit Windows operating system and an account with administrator privileges.

Installation steps for VigorACS 3 on Windows
1. Download the VigorACS 3 installation package and extract it. If you haven't got the installation files, request it here
Installation of Java OpenJDK
1. Install OpenJDK file located in \ACS\Software and click Next to continue.
2. Accept the terms of License Agreement and press Next
3. In this step use default OpenJDK Runtime and press Next
4. Press Install. It may take a minute to complete.
5. Click Finish to exit Java installation
Installation of MariaDB
1. Install MariaDB file also located in \ACS\Software and click Next to continue.
2. Accept the terms of License Agreement and press Next
3. Use default settings and click Next
4. Select Modify password for database user 'root' to configure a new password or uncheck this option and press Next
5. Use the recommended settings and press Next, and Next again
6. Press Install. This may take a moment to complete.
6. Click Finish to exit the installation wizard
Installation of VigorACS software
Note that Java OpenJDK and MariaDB should be present prior to installation of the VigorACS
1. Open the setup file located in ACS folder
2. Select the database (Local Database by default) and press Next
3. Select the directory that MariaDB has been installed and click Next
4. Select Install and hit the Next button
5. If the root password for MySQL/MariaDB was previously specified, you have to enter the same password here. Press Next to continue
6. Press Next and OK for the next steps
7. Specify the size for memory allocation. Default values: 1024 (max) and 900 (min)
8. Use same port number for the VigorACS portal and CPE communication option, then set your VigorACS http (80) and https (443) ports
Then confirm the STUN, syslog, and netflow ports (recommended)
9. Use the same port number option for RESTful API Service and press Next
10. Use the recommended 'standalone.xml' and click Next
11. Specify the home path and press Next.
If the directory is changed, make sure that the length of the directory path is less than 100 characters.
12. Enter the installation folder and press Next to continue. By default VigorACS will be installed in C:\Program Files\VigorACS
If the directory is changed, make sure that the length of the directory path is less than 100 characters.
13. Specify the start menu folder and press Next
If the directory is changed, make sure that the length of the directory path is less than 100 characters.
14. This step allows you to 'Create a desktop shortcut'. Keep the access through Windows Firewall (Recommended) selected.
15. Press Install and wait for the process to complete. It may take a few minutes. During the installation, some CLI windows may appear and appear for a minute.
16. Press Finish to exist the setup wizard and launch VigorACS
Access and register VigorACS 3
Now that the VigorACS service is running, the web interface of VigorACS 3 can be accessed. A VigorACS 3 installation will require a Full or Trial License or a full License for the number of nodes (CPEs) that will be connected to it. This section of the setup guide will demonstrate how to activate the Trial License to use with VigorACS 3 initially.
Note: make sure that your MyVigor account credentials are available. You can access or register a new account here.
1. To access VigorACS 3, launch a browser and type the IP / hostname of the VigorACS server, with the port number in the URL, which should respond with the VigorACS 3 login page. (If you are using the PC that has VigorACS 3 been installed on, you may just enter "localhost" with the port number).
When prompted to log in, enter the default username "root" and password "admin123" to log in.
2. If VigorACS 3 will prompt that there's no active license associated with the server, press the Activate button to continue the registration process.
3. Login with your MyVigor account
4. Type the device name of your VigorACS 3 machine, then press Submit to finish the registration process.
5. Press the Activate License button to activate the trial license. This is a 1-month trial license to test the VigorACS 3 system, with up to 20 nodes (CPEs) connected.
6. Read the agreement and press the Accept button (activates after scrolling down the content)
7. Select the start date of this license, then press Register to activate the trial (or full) license.
8. The summary page appears. Press the Activate button to continue. The server will process this request for a short time.
9. MyVigor will display the information of license which means the license has been activated successfully. Press Login to ACS button to go back to the VigorACS 3 web interface.
10. Now you can logon and use VigorACS 3!
Additional steps (useful links)
1. Why am I unable to access VigorACS 3 from the Internet?
- Check that the VigorACS 3 server is using the correct Gateway IP and that the operating system & router firewalls are not blocking the connection.
- Check that the Internet gateway for the VigorACS 3 server has the correct HTTP & HTTPS ports opened using NAT Port Forwarding.
- The following ports are used by VigorACS 3
HTTP (TCP 443 by default)
HTTP (TCP 80 by default)
STUN (UDP 3478)
Syslog (UDP 514, optional)
TCP Proxy (TCP 9000, optional)
2. How to add a new network?
If you are the System Administrator (usually available for self-hosted installations), it is recommended to create a new network for every customer or site. This article demonstrates how to complete this process.
3. How to add a new CPE?
- Connect a Vigor Router to VigorACS as a CPE
- Connect a VigorSwitch Network Switch to VigorACS
- Connect a VigorAP Access Point to VigorACS 3
Related articles can be found on our KB website
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