IX. NAT Related Features
ExpiredWake up your PC by using WoL (Wake on LAN)
We can use the Wake on LAN feature from Vigor Router's Web UI or by a Wake-on-LAN tool to wake up the computer remotely. This article will demonstrate two methods about how to wake up the computer by WoL.
Method 1: Using Vigor Router to wake up your computer
Enabling Wake Up On LAN on the PC:
1: Enter the BIOS of your PC to enable Wake Up On LAN.
2: Click right button of your mouse on PC icon on desktop.
- Click Manage.
- Go to Device Manager>>Network adapters and click the network card you use.
- Go to Advance. Select “Wake on LAN” in the Property and enable it.
- Then click OK.
Settings on Vigor Router:
1: Go to [LAN]-[Bind IP to MAC]. Enable Bind IP to MAC. Select your PC IP address in the ARP Table, add it into IP Bind List then click OK.
2: Login the WUI of Vigor Router from another computer. Then go to [Applications]- [Wake on LAN].
- a. Select "IP Address" on Wake by.
- b. Choose IP Address of your PC which you want to wake up.
- c. Click Wake Up!
The PC now starts when you click Wake Up!
Wake up your PC with Command Line Interface (SSH or Web Console):
1: Open the web console on Vigor Router which can be accessed by clicking the icon in the top right navbar..
2: Command "wol up".
Method 2: Using WakeOnLan GUI Tool
We also can wake up the PC remotely by sending WoL packets generated by the WakeOnLan tool to a Vigor Router.
Additional Step:
1: Download the WakeOnLan GUI tool.
2: Go [NAT]-[Port Redirection]
- a. Enable a profile.
- b. Comment Service Name.
- c. Select UDP Protocol.
- d. Choose WAN Interface and IP.
- e. Set Public Port : 9
- f. Private IP :
- g. Set Private Port : 9
- h. Click OK.
3: Open web console on GUI which can be accessed by clicking the icon in the top right navbar.
Enter the Command "wol fromWan any".
4: Open up WakeOnLan GUI on PC.
- a. Enter MAC address.
- b. Enter Internet Address and Subnet Mask. (IP is Vigor Router’s WAN IP in this example)
- c. Enter Remote Port Number.
- d. click Wake Up.
The PC now starts when you click Wake Up.
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