XIV. Miscellaneous Questions
ExpiredWhy do I need to login for some support services?
Why do I need to login for some support services?
Many of the UK support portal services, FAQs, support notes and downloads now require that you log in before you can access them. We appreciate that this may be a minor inconvenience for some but it will genuinely enable us to provide a better and more comprehensive service. It also helps to ensure that we provide service only to paying customers (those who have purchased supported products). Our original FAQs are still available without logging in here.
Our new web site and support portal has significantly enlarged the number of available topics, special articles and FAQs and we renew and enlarge the content further regularly for all new, current and future products. Some of this material is licenced to us by third parties for the UK/Ireland only; logging in ensures eligible access and also binds users to the terms of service.
Some of the material is not specific product support, but of a more general nature, written as a value added service for our customers under the aim of general education or information. As such, the value added nature is not available to the general public.
The technical support system will also be improved, and having an account will make that more efficient for you - you will not need to re-enter your details each time you create a ticket and your previous tickets will be more easily retrievable.
The login system also allows us to provide rating systems on the FAQs. This is particularly useful in gauging the best/most-popular FAQs but also those which are rated lower and therefore should be improved. Logging article viewing by real users also provides much more useful stats in this regard. Users can also add comments to FAQs, giving their own personal extra hints or experience on an FAQ (knowledgebase) entry.
Finally, and perhaps most usefully, the support portal registration will be tied into a new support ticket system so that all of your support tickets/queries are tied together under a single account rather than having to re-enter your details for each new ticket.
Registration on the support portal is free of charge for all DrayTek users in the UK/Ireland using officially supported products.
An eligible products is any DrayTek retail product purchased from a DrayTek authorised dealer since 2012 which has been supplied through official distribution channels. Your dealer can confirm to you that you are buying UK-supported products (a product eligible for UK support and warranty).
Eligible Products
For the purposes of access to the enhanced KB and other new services, an 'eligible product' is a DrayTek branded product sold since 2012 through official DrayTek sales channels in the UK, Ireland and channel Islands, and being used in those areas. If you have a product supplied through other channels, or being used outside those areas, your product is not eligible. The new portal was introduced in 2014 and the new material/resources cover products which were current (on sale) at that time and later. Older 'legacy' products are covered by the existing FAQ archive and are not included in any new material, therefore such products are not eligible. You can of course contact our technical support dept. directly for any support questions.
Ineligible Products and Users
If you have a DrayTek OEM product (a product whose main branding is not DrayTek) then you should instead seek support from your supplier who will have their own arrangements and arrangements for support of the product. If you are outside the UK or purchased your product from a different country/region, you should also seek support from your own local sales channel, or DrayTek's International support site. It is not permitted to share your account with an unrelated person (different company or family) or to republish articles or information which is not placed by us into the public domain. In order to access the services, you are required to register personally with valid information. You can see the full and specific terms of access here.
How to Log into the Support Portal
When a restricted page appears on-screen, you will be prompted to enter your email address and password. If you have saved it previously in your PC/browser, you will go right in, otherwise enter it. If you have not yet created an account, you can do so. You need to just provide your email address (used as login credential) a suitable password and the name/serial number of your qualifying product. Please be sure that you enter the correct serial number; click here for guidance on locating it.
Access to and usage of the UK support portal is subject to the Terms of Service.